March 3, Monday
Today's lesson
1. Week 4 VW and definition
2. History of the story Lewis and Clark and Me ~ the Louisana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase was a large land deal between the United States and France in 1803. President Thomas Jefferson bought this land to help the U.S. grow. After the purchase, he sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on an expedition to explore the new territory west of the Mississippi River.
In Lewis and Clark and Me, the story follows Seaman, a big Newfoundland dog, who traveled with Lewis on this journey. Seaman helped the men by swimming, hunting, and protecting them. The expedition was important because it mapped new lands, met Native American tribes, and helped the U.S. understand the West.
This connection shows how Seaman played a small but important role in American history, as he was part of one of the most famous journeys in the U.S.
3. Genre of stories:
realistic fiction (story) - that can happen in real time.
historical fiction - taking a real history background to make up a story
fable - animals that can talk and behave like human being
fairy tale - there may be a fairy or magic power
tall tale - an old story that is carried down a long time ago which tells something the people believe
biography - life story of a person (he/ she)
autobipgraphy - life story of a person but is told by using I
expository text - article that gives fact or information
myth - story about God/Goddess/ monster
G4A2 Week 4 Communication Book
3/3 Monday
Copy Week 4 VW #16-30 x 3, definition x 1 Make
6 sentences from VW #16-30 at least 8 words. 2.
Sign and correction Quiz 3.
Google classroom (GC) 4.
3/7 Friday Unit Test: a)
WK 3-4 VW, definition, spelling and FITB b)
Imperative & exclamatory c)
Ending: -ed / -ing d)
Long a and i: (ai/i) e)
RS-story questions f)
Skim/scan |
3/4 Tuesday |
Sensay homework Week 4 due 3/10 2.
WK 4 worksheet #1 3.
RWN p.53,60,61 |
3/5 Wednesday |
WK 4 worksheet #2 2.
Google Classroom |
3/6 Thursday |
WK 4 worksheet #3 2.Study
for the Unit Test |
3/7 Friday |
Copy Week 5 VW #1-15x3, definition x 1 Make
6 sentences from VW #1-15 at least 8 words. 2.
WK 4 worksheet #4 3.
Preview RS p.116-129 4.
Google classroom |
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