January 9, Thursday

 Today's lesson

1. Review and practice week 20 VW and definition  https://wordwall.net/play/84633/508/165?authuser=0

2. Reading Street story: Atlantis p.502 

3. RWN p.429 Related words: words that are related but differ in the following: 
    1)POS part of speech such as: define (v.) definition (n.) 
                                                     bath (n.) bathe (v.)
                                                     sign (v/n) signal (n) signature (n)
    3)pronunciation: feel vs felt 

4. Sentence pattern to following for Week 20 homework
    subject + verb (past tense) + object + time/place 
    example: The people overthrew the king last month on an island. 

5. No leveled class due to exam. 



1.     No Written Homework

2.     Study for the exam



1.  Copy Week 20 VW #1-12 x 3, definition x 1, 6 sentences

2.  Preview Reading Street p.502-520

3.  Google Classroom

Week 20 Vocab Definitions Atlantis: The Legend of a Lost City


1.    chaos (n.): a state of total disorder

2.    spring (v.): to move or leap suddenly forward or upward

3.    seize (v): to get or take something in a sudden or violent way

4.    overthrow (v): to replace a leader like a king with force

5.    realm (n): a kingdom or land

6.    guard (n): a person who guards or keeps something safe

7.    emerald (n.): a green, precious gem stone

8.    barren (adj.): unable to support life

9.    honor (n.): respect given to someone who is admired

10.content (adj.): happy; satisfied

11.crouch (v.): to lower your body to the ground by bending your legs

12.tender (adj.): loving and gentle

13.unaware (adj.): not knowing something; not aware

14.divinity (n.): the state of being a god

15.union (n.): the joining of two or more people or things together

16.spirit (n.): the inner quality of someone.

17.divine (adj.): god-like.

18.transform (v.): to change

19.paradise (n.): a perfect place; like heaven

20.arrange (v.): to organize things in a certain way.

21.alternate (adj.): occurring in, or forming, a repeated series.

22.network (n.): a group of people or things connected somehow

23.canal (n.): a straight, narrow man-made waterway

24.irrigate (v.): to bring water to plants, crops

25.flourish (v.): to do very well; to prosper or thrive


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