January 7, Tuesday

 Today's lesson

1. Explained the winter homework, and demonstrated how to use both Canva and Microsoft Powerpoint to make a powerpoint presentation.  

Winter homework as follows: 

            This year, instead of a poster, students will try to do a  PPT (powerpoint) and send it to homeroom teachers via Email.  An example will be sent out as well via Line and placed in the blog for you to see.

 ·        You need to create a PPT consisting of 5-10 slides, no more or less.

·     One picture minimum per slide and some text explaining the picture

·     Example is provided

Have at least: Where you went.

                   What you saw.

                   What you ate.

                   Who you did things with.

                   Your favorite part of the vacation.






Please save file name as




Ms Maggie's sample: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGbb8KZuUs/MBrdGsg6krR8uo8GfIOOUw/view?utm_content=DAGbb8KZuUs&utm_campaign=share_your_design&utm_medium=link&utm_source=shareyourdesignpanel

2. Week 20 vocabulary and definition https://wordwall.net/play/84578/785/401?authuser=0

3. No written homework, please study for the exam. 


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