December 24, Tuesday

 Today's lesson

1. Reading Street story: Talking Walls 

Murals and Their Messages Summary

Mural Name

What It Shows

Message or Meaning



People working hard to support their families. It shows the Statue of Liberty.

Immigrants dream of a better life and freedom in America.

On the wall of a meat market in a Latin American neighborhood in Los Angeles.

"A Shared Hope"

Students holding objects that symbolize their future.

Education is the key to achieving future success.

An elementary school in Los Angeles with students from Central America.

"Reach High and You Will Go Far"

A girl raising her hands that transform into a tree.

People can grow and change through education.

A downtown community in Philadelphia.

"Dreams of Flight"

Images of flying and soaring in the sky.

Encourages people to dream big and aim high in life.

A public building project: Estrada Courts in Los Angeles.

Introduction to the difference between murals and graffiti, including a mention of the famous graffiti artist Banksy. 

3. Homework: 



1.     RWN p410, 417

2.     Worksheet #1

3.     Google Classroom

4. Tomorrow experience class outing, no levelled class. 


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