September 24, Tuesday

 Today's lesson 

1. Review R-controlled words: 

  •   ar as in: star, far, dart, shark 

             fare/ flare: are not XXXXXX R-controlled, they are magic "e". 

  • or as in: torn, born, word, world ...... 
  • er/ir/ur they have the same "er" sound 
  • fire/ tire/  XXXX "ire" is not XXXXXX R-controlled
2. Review 3 forms for adjectives: base/comparative/ superlative 

3. Reading Street story: Hottest, Coldest, Highest, Deepest p.62 - 71
  •     Sentence structure learned: 
     It is  the number  measure unit adjective

     e.g. The table is 2 feet long. 
            Michael Jordon is 6.4 feet tall. 
            The water is 2 inches deep. 

  •     Why there are many cities in America with the word "New"?  Do you still remember the reason? 
4. Homework



1.  Review Reading Street story p.62-76

2.  Worksheet #1

3.  Google classroom (GC) review



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