September 2, Welcome to G4A2

Hello everyone! 

This is Ms. Maggie, I am glad to be the English teacher for Grade 4 A2 leveled class this year. 

You can find information about the lessons and homework here. 

You can leave me message in the communication book or I can be reached in the line group for the class.  

I look forward for another exciting school year with all the students and parents.  

Today's lesson:

1. Classroom regulation and policy explanation. 

2. Homework requirement and sample demonstration. 
    Date and Week # included and skip line.  Please refer to below picture.

3. Google Classroom and Sensay online assignment explanation. 

4. Week 2 Vocabulary and definition #1-10 

5. G4A2 Week 2 Communication Book




1.  Copy Week 2 VW #1-12 x 3, definition x 1

2.  Make 6 sentences from VW #1-12 at least 8 words.

3.  Google Classroom (GC) review

4.  9/6 Vocab Quiz: 1)WK 2 VW, definition, spelling and fill in the blanks  



1.  Copy Week 2 VW #13-25 x 3, definition x 1

2.  Make 6 sentences from VW #13-25 at least 8 words.

3.  Preview Reading Street story p.28-42

4.  Study for Vocab Quiz



1.  WK2 worksheet 1

2.  RWN p.247, 251,252

3.  Study for Vocab Quiz



1.  WK 2 worksheet 2

2.  Google classroom

3.  Study for Vocab Quiz



1.  Copy Week 3 VW #1-12 x 3, definition x 1

2.  Make 6 sentences from VW #1-12 at least 8 words.

3.  Reading Street story p.28-42

4.  Google classroom homework

5.  Sensay homework


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