May 20, Monday

Today's lesson 

1. Week 15 VW and definition, completed RWN p.203

2. Subject-verb agreement

3. Review spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/: 

                    /j/: j, ge, dge 

                    /k/; c, k, ch, ck 

                   /s/: s, c , ce 

4. Formal letter RWN p.202

5. Quiz correction 




1.  Sign and correct Quiz paper

2.  Copy and study Week 15 VW #9-16 X 3, definition x1, make 3 sentences

3.  RWN p.203, 204, 205, 209, 210

4.  5/24 Unit Test:1) Week 14-15 spelling and definition,

             2) R.S. story: Seeing Stars

             3) Spellings of /j/, /s/, /k/

             4) Subject-Verb agreement


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