Feb 26, Monday

 Today's lesson

1. Reviewed Google classroom homework, listening: youtube and questions.

2. Reviewed Week 3 VW#1-24 and definition

3. Reviewed rhyming words with ending -ed, -ing, -er and -est, and RWN p.67. 

4. Reviewed alphabetical order in looking up words in a dictionary.  RWN p.69. 




1.  Copy and study Week 3 #13-18 x3 and definition x1, make 6 sentences from VW# 1-18

2.  RWN p.67, 69, 71, 72

3.  Review Reading Street story: Kumak’s Fish

4.  3/1 Test: 1)Week 2 & 3 VW spelling and definition,  2)ending words with +ed, +ing, +er and +est

3)sequence and glue words

4)RS story: Kumak’s Fish


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