October 3, Tuesday

 Today's Lesson:

1)Reviewed Worksheet and google classroom activities for Written Exam 

2)Reviewed Week 6 VW 

3)Phonics : 

 "ou" vs "ow": 

"ou" in the beginning or in the middle, as in "house", "cloud". 

"ow" at the end as in "now", "blow".  Or in front of a single "n", or "l" as on "owl", "clown", and "er" or "el" as in "power" and "towel"

The word "crowd" is an exception with the "d", because it is originated from the old English word "crowden", but now it is spelled as "crowd" dropping the "en".  So this DOES NOT follow the "ow" sound rule. 

"oi" vs "oy" 

"oi" in the beginning or in the middle, as in "oil", "noise"

"oy" at the end as in "toy", "story". Exception like "oyster", "Joyce". 

4)RWN page 298, 312, 313 and 314.

Tomorrow Written Exam, No written homework. Please study, practice Google classroom. 


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