October 26, Thursday

 Today's lesson: 

Unit Test review: 

1) Week 8 - 9 VW spelling 

2) Reading Street story questions: The Night The Moon Fell (Worksheet #1)

3)Compound words (Worksheet #2)

4)Suffix - ful, -less, -er (Worksheet #2)

No written homework, please study for tomorrow' s Unit Test 

Unit Test content : 

1)Worksheet#1 - #2.  

2. Week 8-9 vocabulary (spelling) and definition matching. 

3. Compound words  (spelling and gap fill as in Worksheet #2)

4. Suffix - ful, -less, -er (gap fill as in Worksheet #2)

5. Reading Street story comprehension: The Night The Moon Fell (Worksheet #1)

6. Comparative and superlative adjectives 


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