October 23, Monday

 Today's lesson:

 1. Reviewed RS story: The Night The Moon Fell 

2. Reviewed Week 9 VW#1-24 and definition 

3. Completed RWN p. 327, 330, 335

4. Reviewed Adverbs that tell WHEN and WHERE. RWN p. 331, 336

5. Reviewed phonics "oi/oy", "ou/ow". 


1.  Copy Week 9 VW and definition #1-12 x 1

2.  WK9 worksheet 1

3.  Google classroom

10/27 Unit Test: 1)WK 8 & 9 VW, definition, 2)compound words, 3)suffix: ful, less, er, 4)comparative and superlative adjectives


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