October 12, Thursday

Today's lesson: 1. Reviewed SUFFIX (adding to the end of a word to make a new word) 3 Suffix types we learned in class: 1)ful (full of it) as in : fear / fearful; beauty / (y to i) beautiful; care/ careful ; color / colorful 2)less (without or not having) as in: care/ careless; fear/ fearless ; end/ endless 3)er (a person) as in : teach / teacher ; drive/ driver; fight/ fighter 2. Review comparative and superlative adjective comparative : compare 2 things, +er than A lion is stronger than a deer. A bus is larger than a car. superlative: compares 3 things or more, the _______est Giraffes are the tallest animals. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Homework: 1. RWN page 319, 321, 322, 323 Please note: there is NO QUIZ this week. Upcoming quiz and unit test: 10/20 Quiz Week 8 Vocab and definition 10/27 Unit Test Week 8 and 9 Vocab and definition, Story: The night the moon fell


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