November 29, Friday
Today's lesson 1. Week 14 Unit Test 2. Introduction of 3rd writing assignment using the "build a burger" layout. Persuasive essay: pro vs con 3. Homework: 11/29 Friday Copy Week 15 VW #1-12 x 3, definition x 1, 6 sentences Preview Reading Street p.374-385 Worksheet # 3 Google Classroom Week 15 Vocab Definitions – The Story of the Statue of Liberty 1. liberty (n.): freedom. 2. island (n.): an area of land completely surrounded by water 3. sight (n.): an interesting or special thing/place worth seeing 4. visitor (n.) : someone who visits or goes to a place 5. ferry (n.): a boat that takes people and/or vehicles back and forth to a place 6. sculptor (n.): an artist who makes statues 7. create (v.): ...